Month: March 2024

Change Management

Effective Delegation: An Underutilized Leadership Tool

Why Don’t Leaders Delegate More?


Let’s start by addressing why leaders often shy away from delegation. There are several reasons, including:


  1. The belief that they need to figure everything out first.
  2. Thinking they can do the job better and faster themselves.
  3. Past experiences where employees didn’t pick up tasks well.
  4. Fear of overwhelming employees.
  5. Concerns about the quality of work.
  6. Not having an Executive Assistant (EA) or support to delegate to.
  7. Not wanting to share credit or recognition.
  8. Feeling that as the leader, they should handle everything.


It’s important to recognize these reasons and understand that effective delegation can overcome these challenges and lead to better outcomes for both the leader and the team.


Benefits of Delegation


Now, let’s explore the benefits of effective delegation:


  1. Increased Productivity: Delegating tasks allows you to focus on higher-value activities and achieve more in less time.
  2. Employee Development: Delegating provides opportunities for employees to learn and grow, contributing to their long-term success and the overall succession plan.
  3. Stress Management: Delegating tasks can reduce stress and prevent burnout by sharing the workload.
  4. Leveraging Strengths: Delegating tasks outside of your expertise allows you to focus on what you do best, leading to better results.
  5. Improved Time-Management: Delegating helps you prioritize and manage your time more effectively, leading to better overall efficiency.
  6. Increased profitability: Delegating can lead to better decision-making and resource allocation, ultimately improving the bottom line.


How to Delegate Effectively


To delegate effectively, follow these steps:


  1. Clearly define the task or project you want to delegate.
  2. Explain why the task is important and what the ideal outcome looks like.
  3. Set clear expectations and success criteria for the delegated task.
  4. Provide support and resources to help the delegate succeed.
  5. Follow up regularly to monitor progress and provide feedback.
  6. Adjust your approach as needed to ensure success.


Get Your Free Delegation Tool

To help you delegate effectively, I’ve created a free PDF tool called “Transformational Leadership Delegation and Support.” Email me at to receive your copy. This tool will guide you through the delegation process and help you set clear expectations for your team.



In conclusion, effective delegation is a powerful leadership tool that can lead to increased productivity, employee development, and overall success. By understanding the benefits of delegation and following the steps outlined above, you can leverage your time, energy, and resources more effectively, leading to better outcomes for you and your team.


Here is a link to my Continuous Improvement 4 Life podcast with more details on this topic.

Change Management

Mastering the Ideal Operating Cadence for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses

Are you ready to optimize your business’s performance with a finely tuned operating cadence?


Today, we’ll explore the key components of a successful operating cadence for small to medium-sized businesses. From strategic planning to weekly meetings, we’ll guide you through the process of achieving better results in less time and with less stress for you and your leadership team.


Annual Business Planning:

Many businesses struggle with lengthy annual budget planning cycles that can last for months. To avoid this, create a tight timeline of 4 to 6 weeks to complete your business planning process. Define clear deliverables for each week and assign accountability to ensure progress. Treat the planning process like a project, with a focus on key strategies and assumptions about growth and core metrics.


Quarterly Reviews:

Quarterly reviews are crucial for tracking progress and adjusting strategies. These reviews should be in-depth and ideally last a full day or at least four hours. Start with a corporate review of key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess your progress against the annual plan. Then, set corporate priorities or “rocks” for the quarter to keep the team focused on the most important goals.


Monthly Business Reviews:

Monthly meetings should focus on accountability and learning. The monthly business reviews are not a problem-solving meeting. Each member of the senior team should report on their department’s KPIs, highlighting achievements and action plans. This bottom-up reporting approach ensures that everyone is clear on their accountabilities and has full ownership for performance. I recommend a 1-pager template with the following: 1 Lagging indicator, 2 leading indicators, highlights, and action plans. Email me at if you want a template for these powerful monthly meetings.


Weekly Check-Ins:

Please don’t just run your weekly meeting in an “issue of the day” format. Be strategic and focus on advancing your quarterly priorities and the subtasks to complete them. Weekly meetings should be concise and focused on progress towards the quarterly priorities or “rocks.” Use a template to track progress on each rock and assign accountability for next steps. These meetings should be one hour or less to keep the team focused and productive.


Key Tips for Success:

  • Assign clear roles for each meeting, including a chair, action taker, and timekeeper.
  • Stay disciplined and focused on the agenda to avoid wasting time.
  • Use templates and clear reporting structures to streamline the process and ensure everyone is on the same page.

By implementing this operating cadence, you can drive better results for your business while reducing stress and improving efficiency. Start by tightening your business planning process, then move on to quarterly, monthly, and weekly meetings to keep your team aligned and focused on achieving your goals.


Link to Podcast HERE.

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